So, I can't decide if March came in like a lion or a lamb.
Here's the case for the lion:
1. Crazy schedule with kids in school, a two-year-old who needs naps but rarely gets more than twenty minutes, lots of night meetings for Andy, Andy gone at church every Wednesday and some Saturdays, oh yeah, and a newborn to feed
2. Speaking of a newborn (Will is a month old now!), I had a nursing crisis this week. It is somewhat resolved now, but if anyone can explain the throbbing pain I feel AFTER I nurse, let me know ASAP!! I've decided men doctors aren't helpful when it comes to this. Waste of time and money.
3. Andy sprained his ankle. It is pretty nasty looking and extremely painful for him.

He was playing tennis. Now he has no toes due to the incredible swelling, limps and shuffles around, and can't drive.
The case for the lamb:
1. Will is growing and getting more alert. He slept six hours in a row last night and slept for five in a row the two nights before. Go baby go!

2. Because of my nursing woes, Andy took half a day off to help and hang out with the boys who had been missing him terribly with all those night meetings and such.
3. Because of Andy's sprained ankle, he took Friday off and we helped each other and hung out with our boys who all need more time and attention from us.
So, maybe its a tie between the lion and the lamb. In order to sway it towards the lamb, we went miniature golfing. I got a hole-in-one on Hole 4. Four boys, hole 4 . . . it was cool.

Derek took the picture. I was doing good until Will woke up hungry. And that is how most of my stories end lately, including this one . . .