We went to the Aquarium for New Year's Eve and had a great time! Poor Zane was scared for parts of it. It was really dark in the exihibits and they had sound effects like you were inside a creaky boat. I guess that might have had something to do with it. We saw cool animals though!
They have a Shark Train ride where you ride through a tunnel of sharks. Everybody loved that! Tucker said it was his favorite.
There were also White Bengal Tigers that were Derek's favorite. They were beautiful and very large. Zane's little heart was beating very fast and would not let me put him down.
Derek and Tucker also got to ride on the Ferris Wheel for the first time. Zane and I weren't allowed, so we sat and waved to them as they twirled by.
My favorite was the octopus, but you couldn't take flash photos of it. It was spread out over the glass so you got a very good view of all the suction cups on its legs. Andy's favorite was the sea turtle at the large restaurant aquarium. The eel behind was cool too.
Andy and I also touched a stingray and a small shark! The boys were too nervous to touch it. Derek and Zane pet a starfish. It was quite motionless and less "scary." It felt remarkably similar to a rock.
I had great plans for a party with the boys, but everyone was tired and there wasn't much time, so maybe next year. With that, our year ended.
Happy New Year, 2010!
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