Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First Day Jitters!

Back to School already! Tucker looks as shocked as I feel! The summer flew by.

Derek is in second grade now. He has glasses now too! I should get a picture of that.

Tucker just started Kindergarten! He was nervous they were going to give him a hard spelling test on the first day. Derek told him that spelling tests don't happen until the second day. What a thoughtful brother.

We had a "notebook" cake to celebrate the start of a new year. There are two "pencils" on top of the notebook in case any of you were wondering. Andy started his semester as well. One more year . . .

Happy Learning everybody!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

Oh it's all happening too fast!! Look at how big your boys are!! I LOVE your cake celebration, I hope you don't mind if I steal your idea!