This year, Andy's parents flew down to see us! The excitement was almost more than the boys could handle! So, Thanksgiving morning comes and my mother-in-law and Derek start making pies, my father-in-law starts chopping celery and onions, I am cleaning up breakfast with Zane and Tucker, and Andy went to play football with some guys at our church. Andy comes home while I am getting dressed and collapses on the bed and tells me he pulled his hamstring. It was REALLY BAD!!! He couldn't even put his socks on by himself! I went to the store and bought Bengay and Advil and all that stuff and for the rest of the day (and really the rest of the weekend) He painfully sat or laid on the couch! He could hardly even sit down to Thanksgiving dinner without a pillow under his leg and a tight look in his face. He got the interception, though!
The meal was wonderful and almost the whole family helped, which made it even more special. Tucker helped make a yummy chocolate pie and Derek helped Nana with all sorts of things! Everything tasted great. That night, there was a tree lighting at a large shopping complex in Houston with music and fireworks, so we went down there to see it. Andy had to stay home, but watched a movie and stretched out. I can honestly say I have never seen fireworks on Thanksgiving, but it was cool!
Later that weekend, we ventured to Brazos State Park that has trails and campgrounds and WILD ALLIGATORS! We saw three of them and no one was harmed.
Tucker actually got very scared before we got there, but we told him that all he needed to do was outrun Daddy and he would be fine! The alligator would eat Dad (since he was the slowest mover due to the hamstring injury) and Tucker could run to safety. Once Tucker found a few large sticks for him and his brothers to defend themselves, he was totally fine.
It was cool and totally different than the mountain west State Parks in Utah and Colorado!
We were so glad Nana and Grandpa could come over! Despite sickness and injury, we had a great time and can't wait to see them again!
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