LET IT SNOW! Houstonians absolutely FREAKED OUT! It was on the news for quite a while that it might happen and people were stock piling things like wood, space heaters, insulation for their pipes, and even sweaters for their dogs. We were laughing at all of this. So Friday, the snow came and it was BEAUTIFUL. Perfect for building a snowman and throwing snowballs. Andy made all his employees go out and play in it and I pulled the boys out of school early to do the same. I know, I know, it sounds silly, but how long until they see snow again? We had a grand time and played snowball baseball and all of that sort of thing. Then we came in and drank hot chocolate (that was lukewarm because that's how Tucker likes it) and watched a Christmas movie. It actually felt like December that day.
About 10:30 that night, our heater decided it was just too cold and quit completely. The coldest night in decades in Houston and our heater is busted! That's what we get for laughing at these poor innocent people in a snowstorm.
I went to Walmart and to get a small space heater and as I pulled up, I saw a woman who needed help. Her windsheild was thickly coated in ice and snow and she was trying to get it off with her umbrella. I found my scraper in my trunk and came over to her aid. I asked if I could help her and she said she was about to go fill a bottle of water to pour over her windsheild. I quickly stopped her and scraped off her car in less than two minutes. She was SO grateful! I advised her to use a credit card in the unlikely event that this would happen again. I just hope that if I am doing something stupid to prepare for a hurricane or something, that some Houstonian will help me out.
Our heater couldn't be repaired until Monday morning, but we snuggled up together and were just fine. We learned to not laugh at others and that flannel sheets really can be used in Houston. (To think I almost gave them to my sister!)
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