Sunday, November 30, 2008

Turkey Day

We just came home from a great trip to see Andy's parents. In seven years of marriage, it was our first Thanksgiving meal at their home. It was nice and they invited several friends that didn't have kids or company for the holidays. I was nervous about how my boys would handle it because they usually act like deer stuck in the headlights, but they were great! One guy brought a remote control truck and they drove it around after the meal. Now, this was no ordinary rc truck. This was a top-of-the-line, souped-up, all-terrain vehicle. This guy was seriously into remote control vehicles! It climbed up hills and combed through weeds like a regular four wheel drive! Of course, Derek and Tucker were in complete awe. After they came back inside, they wrote their letters to Santa asking for a "remote control monster truck." The kind they had just played with started at $300. Luckily, Andy and I found a much cheaper and sensible version at Walmart!

The next day was Black Friday. For some reason, my in-laws and I decided to get up at 4:30 am because Sports Authority was giving out gift cards for up to $300. Not one of us received $300. We each got $10. So it was over to Walmart which was so crowded, I was nauseated! We soon left and went back to bed. Andy and I hit the stores again later and decided it is NOT worth it to get up early. The sales are usually for things that are not on our list anyway, so why bother? I HATE large crowds.

My in-laws have a Wii and so we played boxing on Saturday night. My back is so sore today, I could barely lift Zane! We convinced Lyle and Jeanne (my in-laws) to play. Lyle was hilarious to watch! He was dancing and weaving and going all over the place! If you haven't tried it, it is fun to do and funny to watch other people do it! Tucker is unbeatable at golf!

We came home today through Telluride were they hadn't plowed the roads. It wasn't so bad until we came across a tree that had fallen across the side of the road. Luckily no one was coming the other way. We are glad to be safe back at home and can't wait to go out to Utah in a few weeks for my brother's wedding.

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