Zane's latest discovery is the piano. He knows how to play the bottom notes and thinks it is the coolest thing ever - with the exception of his thumb, of course. He has already taken one step. He'll be walking just in time to destroy the Christmas tree . . .
Here are Derek and Tucker catching "air" into our giant beanbag. Our wonderful neighbor gave it to us and it has provided our boys with hours of pleasure - who knew? Their favorite game is to run and jump into it. I was very sick this day and could only sit in the corner and click a picture while they ran circles around me - or maybe my head was spinning and they were really sitting still. The world may never know.
YEAHHHHH!!! I am so glad you decided to join the world of blogging. Look at those boys. Zane looks just like Tucker, it makes me miss the little Bess and Tucker in YW.
Hope you guys are doing good. I am glad that I can check in and see what you guys are up to.
It's good to know there is a lot of craziness at your house too :) Hope you are feeling better!
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