Tucker reached a milestone yesterday. He graduated from Preschool and is now ready to enter the world of public education. He looked so cute in his cap and gown. I got all sappy and emotional (what is wrong with me?). They sang some cute songs that Tucker has been practicing over and over and over. He really is a very good singer and the boy has rhythm. They gave the kids a rolled up blank piece of paper instead of the real diploma so they wouldn't have the real one all rolled up. So when Tucker was playing graduation later that day with Derek, he said, "Congratulations! Here is your blank piece of paper."
Tucker loved his teachers: Ms. Cheryl and Ms. Janet. (In Texas, you call the women Ms. and whatever their first name is. So I am Ms. Adrienne).
We are very proud of Tucker and how far he has come this year. He has such an eagerness to learn. There is a kid in his class that Tucker thinks is super-duper smart because he can spell "raccoon." So I taught Tucker how to spell "raccoon" so he would feel just as smart. If spelling "raccoon" means you are super-duper smart, I just might rank as a sheer genius!
We love having Tucker in our family and congratulate him on his milestone!