We just returned from a GREAT and very memorable trip to Utah! Andy had a big national conference in Salt Lake for work and of course the boys and I tagged along. This was their first plane ride and they loved it! They are still playing "airport" with their bikes and chalk lines on the driveway.
We stayed downtown for the first part of the week just across from Temple Square. It was great to be so close to the temple and we got a great mountain view from our window. The boys loved walking around temple square and learning about all the stuff there.

Tucker loved all the statues and Zane was scared to death of them, so that was interesting to accommodate. They really wanted to see the Conference Center, but we were running late to meet my mom and sister, so we thought we would come back later. Unfortunately, later it was closed for "event preparation." They never got to see it.
We also got to play with lots of cousins! We met Merrill & Jen and had a picnic at a really cool park. They loved playing with their three boys and one girl. Lightsabers and football were amoung the favorite activities!
We also had a sleep over at Mitzi's house.

She was very brave and let us come and stash the kids in the basement. They had a GLORIOUS time with each other and would still be playing if we let them! Zane and Ruby (their dog) were buddies and just loved each other.

Zane and just about any dog love each other.
We didn't get to see much of Kathy's kids because one of them was recovering from the dreaded swine flu. She is totally fine now and we saw them later. Julie also was absent because she lives in Idaho and couldn't make the trip. She was sorely missed!

Grandparent time was essential! My parents took the boys overnight so Andy & I could have a date night. We had dinner at the Garden restaurant above the Joseph Smith Memorial Building and saw the Tabernacle Choir rehearse. It was a much needed break! Then Andy's parents drove over from Colorado met up with us. We went to Thanksgiving Point to a festival there and spent most of our time at the Rocket Launch. It was a pretty cool thing. They also took the boys overnight for us to give us a break. It makes us REALLY want to live closer to grandparents!

Andy's Grandma came up from St. George to see us too. She had never met Tucker or Zane, so it was great to spend time with her and hear about all the memories she has.
My family had a big Halloween party on Saturday night that was so much fun! I think everyone wants it to be a new family tradition. I couldn't agree more, just worried about the airfare!
I wish I could have seen some friends while we were out there, but the schedule turned out to be too tight! I ran into my dear friend Madeline at Gardner Village and it was SO good to catch up! I wish her all the best. I also wish I could have gone in the mountains because I dearly miss them! The colors were so beautiful there! Maybe some of the Houston leaves will change. I guess we'll find out!

Thank goodness for good memories and happy children!