Derek is fast at everything: running, eating, growing, etc. He loves being the first one done at dinner or the first one to get dressed in the morning (bedtime is a whole other story, of course). Derek has a competitive spirit that he gets from his dad and his mom. Making friends usually comes easy for him, unless he is in an uncomfortable or new situation. At the park he finds new friends easily and just wants to spend his whole day playing pretend things. His fascination for cars started mere months after birth. He made the "car" sounds at nine months old (My friend Diane calls it "spit power"). All this taken into consideration, Derek would love to be part of NASCAR in some way. But realistically, he could work as a P.E. Teacher on some level. He loves teaching me how to do tricks on my bike. Things like riding with no feet, wheelies, starting and stopping in silly ways are some of my latest aquisitions. He loves sports and activity and competion. Another possible endeavor for Derek could be advertising. He has an uncanny ability to convince you of anything. Convince you that it really wouldn't be that bad to have another cookie (I ate some healthly food and I rode my bike for a long time today). Convince you that the fire alarm is what causes the fires (I think if we got rid of it, I could go to sleep because I wouldn't be scared of it going off and waking up to a fire- my response: "GO BACK TO BED, DEREK!") Back to the advertising bit, he could not only convince clients to advertise through his company, he could convince customers to buy their product.
Tucker is really funny once he warms up to you. He also LOVES music and books. Tucker also exhibits strong feelings for when he feels he has been treated unjustly (I didn't do it, Mommy). He ALWAYS makes sure that everyone gets a turn because then he is certain to get a turn for himself. He harbors resentment to those who are mean to him for no reason (one kid in particular at school who has hit him several times has the label of "monster," "scary guy" and "mean kid." Tucker can only take so much and then one day I just know he will turn around and slug this kid. Someday this will happen (it has happened on more than one occasion to Derek). So, Tucker is not serious enough to be a judge and too unsure of himself to be a police officer, but he would do well as social services worker. He would help those in need (he is always sharing bananas and toys with Zane) and put others in their place who are being mean. He also would love a position in the NASCAR industry, but realistically, he could also be an occupational therapist because he can be patient and kind with other people. He gets lost in his play and can spend a long time playing alone on one thing. This could prove helpful in this industry.
Zane is very young still, but I will predict possible occupations for him anyway. Again, any car job would work since his love for cars began in the womb (the boys would drive cars over my belly). Zane also has a very loud voice and loves music. The theater or opera could be fun, but requires late hours which Zane might not enjoy (he gets grouchy when he doesn't get enough sleep). The volume might be effective as an auctioneer. Zane is very jolly and loves to laugh. He also enjoys eating. He could be a restaurant critic. When he doesn't like the food, he can throw it off the plate or bring a dog and feed it to the dog. If the food stays on his plate or is consummed, that could be considered a good review.
Well, time will tell! I will keep you posted (assuming Blogger is still around then). When asked, they both want to be police officers or firemen. Zane said, "AHHHHHHHH!" very loudly.