Here is Zane a year ago! Look at the skinny legs! He has certainly put on some weight since then! (A few extra chins, a roll here, a dimple there . . .)

When you eat like this, you might tend to put on a few extra pounds! He loved the cake!

This year has flown by! He is a sweet and silly little boy! Today we were going to go swimming because he LOVES the water. However the pool was 83 degrees and I just couldn't bear it on a cold and snowy day. So we played in the tub with bubbles and had a great time until Zane "went" in the tub. That's one way to get them out of the water! Then he took a big nap while Derek and Tucker and I made his Cookie Monster Cake. He had a blast playing with his new toys (he got two trains - one from Nana and one from us - I guess we need to communicate with Nana and Grandpa about gifts better). All was well until I got a lovely thick sliver in the side of my hand. Later, Zane was walking toward me and fell flat into the bench at the kitchen table. He is sporting a nice purple bruise inbetween his eyes and I experience sharp shooting pains every now and again in my hand. Aside from that, it was a very fun day! Derek gave Zane a card that was a "coupon" to play together. He actually did it, too! Tucker also made sure to give Zane extra kisses and hugs today. Tucker calls him "Zsa Zsa" for some reason - you know, like Zsa Zsa Gabor. I think that is how you spell her name. Anyway, Zane eats it up! I am so lucky to have three healthy boys who love each other most of the time! Happy Birthday, Zane!
Happy Birthday you cute boy! I can't believe he's a year already! We haven't ever met the little guy :( We need to meet up somewhere for a camping trip. I hope you guys have a Merry Christmas!
He looks so much like Tucker to me, at least when you still lived here. What a cutie and happy birthday to him!
Found your blog on Jaimie's. It has been so fun to hear how you guys are doing. You all look great and Zane is exactly how I remember Tucker!
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