Derek: Loves soccer, not quite sold on first grade (especially when recess is cancelled due to slight rainfall), future economist (knows the difference between a "good" and a "service") and loves playing with his new friends on our street.
Derek is in the red shorts behind the kid in the gray shirt. He scored a goal with this kick!
Tucker: Loves soccer as well, loves preschool with a devoted passion (recess is either outside or in the gym if it is raining), speaks metaphorically (the scab on his arm was "melting away like a popsicle"), and loves playing with his new friends on our street and running after Derek and his friends.
Tucker making a goal in practice. The green socks are SO Tucker!
Zane: Doesn't really love sitting around while his big brothers play soccer seemingly endlessly, loves having time with mom all by himself while they are at school though, is not fond of his high chair but loves eating like a big boy at the table, loves playing baseball with whoever will throw the ball at him, and uses psychological powers to gain control over other people via dirty looks or slanty eyes, or other wildly expressive facial movements.
Zane at one of our long soccer Saturdays. Tucker took the picture.
Baby Boy #4: yes, you read that right! A fourth boy is kicking and swishing around in my belly until sometime in early February. He is apparantly loving life in there. I imagine he will like soccer (his kicks are pronounced) and love to wrestle (his brothers like to wrestle me and so he gets wrestled in the process).
We now live in a house - HOORAY! Apartment living with all these boys and the dog was harder than I thought it would be. We got a great deal on our house, but that meant that it was VERY dirty and lots of things weren't properly maintained. We are working on it and enjoying having projects and stuff to plan for.
It is still HOT, but there have been some cooler days sprinkled into the mix, so here's hoping for those days to become more frequent so I don't end up with puffy hands and feet. Pregnancy in Houston is not for sissies!