Nice action shot by Andy. These dogs are ready to race at the Dog Sled race in Mancos (not far from Cortez). We came here last year and discovered that "mushing" is really interesting to watch. Of course, we only get to see the start of it, but the dogs get so excited! They are jumping and yelping and pulling until it is time to go. It gets pretty loud!
This race was in three stages of forty miles each. They do it in three days. The youngest musher was a fifteen year old girl! They travel all over the USA to race.
Derek made snow angels while we waited for the dogs to line up. They have them start in five minute intervals or else who knows what the dogs would do to each other! The dirt road leading to the race was a mud hole! Our car is a disgusting shade of light brown and desperately needs to be scrubbed!
Back at home, it was a perfect time to make cookies. Zane was having a fit while Tucker was helping, so I let him come up on a chair and "help." You would have thought I gave him the world!
One of my favorite things to do with my kids is to bake! Their favorite part is to taste test. Derek used to eat the raw flour! Now he prefers to lick his hands after rolling out the dough. (Of course, a large chunck of dough is usually left on his palms.) Tucker has always prefered the chocolate chips. Zane is just happy to be along for the ride (for now!).
Things to look forward to:
1. Chinese New Year Celebration (a tradition in our family)
2. Super Bowl (who would have thought the Cardinals would have made it?)
3. NASCAR begins (I used to think people were crazy for watching NASCAR. I thought it looked so boring. Now I am stuck watching almost every race with a house full of boys who LOVE the races - including Andy! MORAL: BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY!)